Hi there.

Nice to meet you. I’m just your friendly neighborhood folk witch from down the street. Even if you’ve never met me, you’ve met me.

I don’t think my story is particularly unique or exciting, though I think that’s what makes it exciting to me. My story is one I’ve heard in the mouths of a great number of other practitioners, or aspiring ones.

I was born and raised in the American South by regular people in regular neighborhoods. From an early age however, I quickly learned I wasn’t entirely like the rest of my friends and family. I knew about some things before they’d happen. I knew things I shouldn’t have a way of knowing about people I didn’t know. On occasion, I’d be graced with the presence of someone who wasn’t physically with us anymore.

And I saw magic in just about everything. That’s a gift all children have.

Like most folks down here, I did spend a good bit of time in church. I learned a lot and decided what I was going to leave at the door and what I was going to take with me. I still love and respect many of the people in those buildings, but those buildings aren’t for me.

My path now is largely rooted in Southeast American and Appalachian folk magic. I consort with the spirits of my ancestors, of the land on which I live, and a few others from different pantheons on occasion. I am grateful for their presence in my life, their teachings, and the opportunity to bring their knowledge and lore to folks like you.

I live in the South. I lead a very normal, very quiet, very private life. My practice is just one aspect of that life, though inarguably the most important. If you see me in the grocery store, give a nod. I’ll know it’s you.